My name is Debbra Bronstad. I am a grief recovery coach, speaker and author who helps people process and complete their grief after recent and long-ago losses. Losses can include the obvious, such as the death of a loved one, but we grieve many other changes that occur in our lives when they happen before we are ready for them.
Many of us have heard the saying, “time heals all wounds.”
Do you have wounds that have not healed over time? It is a myth that time alone will take care of grief. Many are waiting a very long time to find happiness again.
You are not alone.
The fact is time alone is not enough to complete the grieving process.
There are specific steps that are required for your heart to recover from tragedy and loss so you can find happiness again.
Some people go through some of the steps of grief recovery over time, but rarely do people go through all of the steps for significant losses in their lives. When grief is incomplete it restricts energy and hinders us from living the abundant, joyful life we long for.
Your Grief Recovery Coach will help you explore the meaning of this loss in your life.
The recovery process will include providing a safe space to talk about your loss and how it impacts you, your lifestyle and your identity today. Your coach will help you develop strategies to find happiness again in your current life situation.
I offer several different options to serve you:
One session: $175
One session is ideal for:
Someone seeking help to move a step forward in a particular situation
Someone who desires grief recovery coaching, but is not quite ready to commit to a workshop or extended coaching sessions
Someone in the Grieving With Grace Workshop who desires individual coaching for a particular step or issue.
Grief Recovery Coaching Package of 3 sessions: $499 (5% discount)
Grief Recovery Coaching Package of 8 sessions: $1199 (15% discount)
Do you have an issue that you would like to address privately, rather than in a group workshop?
Coaching packages provide savings over purchasing sessions one at a time.
Eight sessions are recommended for completing the Grieving With Grace program individually with Debbra.
Coaching sessions are scheduled Monday - Friday from 9 am - 5 pm ET.
Purchased sessions need to be used within 6 months of purchase.
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